Written By Tammy Cline-Soza, MS, BCBA
What is an autism spectrum disorder? As you will learn in this video, the term autism refers to three specific conditions: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified, and Asperger’s syndrome.
In the March 2013 CDC report it was discovered that the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder is increasing. School-aged children now have a 1 in 50 chance of being diagnosed with Autism or Autism-like conditions according to the report. The results were generated from studying children during 2007 -2012.
These conditions are all defined by an impairment in social interaction, but the number and severity of behavioral and communication impairment differ. Children’s behavior may be mildly or severely affected. Early intervention using applied behavior analysis is critical and studies show that early treatment allows children to make significant progress in learning, communication, and social skills.
The Behavior Exchange of Dallas is dedicated to using applied behavior analysis in both one-on-one and group formats, to help children and parents successfully navigate behavior challenges and to reach their full potential. Call us today at (972) 312-8733 to learn more about our group therapy and one-on-one sessions.