Practice what your child is learning in real life.
The more you bring what your child is learning into everyday life, the more it becomes second nature. We call it generalization. For example, when your child is learning to count their fingers, have them count everything around them. If they’re learning to identify items, ask them to identify things they want. Try it and get the whole family involved! #Autism #ASD #AppliedBehaviorAnalysis #ABAtherapy #earlyintervention #thebehaviorexchange #PlanoTexas #FriscoTexas #DFW #Dallas #autismawareness #autismacceptance #Boulder #BoulderColorado #Denver #Denverarea #autismmom #specialneeds #autismspeaks #autismfamily #aspergers #autismsupport #autistic #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #disability #adhd #autismparent #autismcommunity #whatcouldbecanbe