Today’s word is: One-to-One Correspondence
One-to-one correspondence is the skill of counting one object as you say one number. For example, if you’re counting objects, you point at the first item and say “1”, then point to the second and say “2” and so on. It’s understanding that one number in a sequence goes with each thing that you’re counting. #Autism #ASD #AppliedBehaviorAnalysis #ABAtherapy #earlyintervention #thebehaviorexchange #PlanoTexas #FriscoTexas #DFW #Dallas #autismawareness #autismacceptance #Boulder #BoulderColorado #Denver #Denverarea #autismmom #specialneeds #autismspeaks #autismfamily #aspergers #autismsupport #autistic #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #disability #adhd #autismparent #autismcommunity #whatcouldbecanbe