In Giving, We Receive
Now in its 10th year, #GivingTuesday has become a global movement to inspire generosity around the world and make it part of everyday life.
The idea of GivingTuesday is said to have originated in New York’s Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact and grew with the help of social media into a worldwide holiday, so to speak. Every year it falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
While GivingTuesday is limited to a day, the idea is a good one any time of the year. Not only do you help others when you share your time, talent, and treasure, you’re also helping yourself. According to Psychology Today, research has found many examples of how doing good, in big and small ways, also does us good. Beyond making us feel good, giving to others can actually help lower depression, improve satisfaction in life, and even increase our happiness.
So Many Ways to Give
Giving can take many forms. It can be a simple act, like holding a door open for others or checking on an elderly neighbor. It can be sharing your time or talent volunteering at a local charity. It can also be donating money or other items to a cause near and dear to your heart. It’s really not what you give that matters. It’s the act of giving that makes a difference.
If you’re looking for charities to support any day of the year, GivingTuesday offers some great advice and a good place to start. You can also check out these nonprofits in North Texas and Colorado that support the same communities The Behavior Exchange serves:
Plano, Texas: Minnie’s Food Pantry
Minnie’s Food Pantry provides healthy meals, educational resources, and the red-carpet treatment to every person they serve. Their ultimate goal is to help families gain long-term food security and break the generational curse of people in low-income areas (especially children) of not having access to fresh fruit and vegetables.
Frisco, Texas: Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County
Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization providing hope to children and families victimized by child abuse. Their proven approach brings experts together under one roof to ensure safety and justice, and they are the only agency in the community offering services critical to healing that are free for life.
Prosper, Texas: Cornerstone NCT
Cornerstone Assistance Network of North Central Texas is a faith-based nonprofit that takes a comprehensive approach to helping neighbors in need. They provide temporary financial assistance when it’s needed most, and then work together to develop a budget and create a trusting relationship to address any underlying factors that have been standing in the way of their success.
Boulder, Colorado: Wild Bear Nature Center
The Wild Bear Nature Center is Boulder County’s only free, all-ages nature center open 360 days of the year. They’re a on mission to inspire a lifelong connection to nature and community through creative exploration of the outdoors, including programs that help you reconnect with, play in, and protect nature.
Teaching Kids About Charity
Since giving offers so many benefits to those who give as well as those who receive, parents should teach their children about charity by setting an example. This article in Parents magazine offers ways to teach your children how to be socially conscious.
Here at The Behavior Exchange, we use our expertise in autism and ABA therapy to teach important skills that help children with autism be more social and make meaningful connections with the world around them. Sharing with others is one of those skills that benefit children throughout their life.
If you have a child with autism, our experts can help. Early intervention is the key to lifelong success, so don’t wait to get started. Contact us today and give your whole family a brighter tomorrow.
Thanks for reading our blog. And for giving!