Behavior Therapists are the caring professionals who work with our clients on a daily basis. They’re responsible for implementing a child’s individual treatment plan and accurately recording data that our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) use to ensure children are reaching their goals. #Autism #ASD #AppliedBehaviorAnalysis #ABAtherapy #earlyintervention #thebehaviorexchange #PlanoTexas #FriscoTexas #DFW #Dallas #autismawareness #autismacceptance #Boulder #BoulderColorado #Denver #Denverarea #autismmom #specialneeds #autismspeaks #autismfamily #aspergers #autismsupport #autistic #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #disability #adhd #autismparent #autismcommunity #whatcouldbecanbeTo learn more about Behavior Therapist and ABA therapy, visit us online at behaviorexchange.com