Intentionally Teach Safety.
Children with learning differences often don’t comprehend safety issues naturally. Instead, they have to be taught skills that will help them stay safe. For example, we intentionally teach skills, like wearing a seatbelt, staying near adults in a parking lot, walking carefully over wet surfaces, identifying/avoiding dangerous cleaners and household chemicals, and asking before opening the door when the doorbell rings. What other safety skills does your child need to learn? #Autism #ASD #AppliedBehaviorAnalysis #ABAtherapy #earlyintervention #thebehaviorexchange #PlanoTexas #FriscoTexas #DFW #Dallas #autismawareness #autismacceptance #Boulder #BoulderColorado #Denver #Denverarea #autismmom #specialneeds #autismspeaks #autismfamily #aspergers #autismsupport #autistic #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #disability #adhd #autismparent #autismcommunity #whatcouldbecanbe