AAC? What's that?
Have you heard the acronym AAC? Most parents and caregivers of children with expressive language disorders and delays most likely have. If you haven’t or are curious what it is, AAC is short for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
AAC refers to all the ways we communicate besides talking. Writing, drawing, gestures, and pointing at letters, pictures, and words are different types of AAC.
Here at The Behavior Exchange, we frequently use high-tech AAC devices and apps to facilitate our ABA therapy programs for children with autism. Language delays in a child’s early development are a key indication of autism. It’s recommended that children who do not speak before the age of two to two and a half should be evaluated for early intervention services.
There are many devices and apps we can use as ABA therapists to help children with autism communicate and develop language skills. Proloquo2Go, LAMP Word for LifeTM and SnapTM Core First® are just a few. PECS, the Picture Exchange Communication System, is another approach to AAC. It’s not an app or device, but a program that utilizes picture cards children can exchange for items they want.
AAC devices and apps help children who are nonverbal or have limited expressive language skills tell us about their wants and needs. By helping them communicate and express themselves, challenging behavior that could result from them becoming frustrated is also minimized.
Children enrolled at The Behavior Exchange also use AAC devices and apps to interact with their peers and our staff, participate during circle time (part of our early-start program B.E.E.S.) respond during story time, and much, much more.
Imagine how difficult it is for nonverbal children with limited expressive language to try to get their wants and needs met without assistance. AAC devices and apps help!
For more information about AAC, visit the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association or just contact The Behavior Exchange at [email protected].
By Latresia Walters, M.Ed., SLPA, BCBA, LBA, CPI, at The Behavior Exchange