Entering kindergarten is a major milestone in every child’s life. But before your little one heads off to school, you’ll need to make sure he or she is well prepared for it. Kindergarten readiness is one of the reasons why early intervention is so important for children with autism. A behavior analyst can help your child learn crucial academic, social, and behavioral skills that prepare him or her for success in the classroom.
Language Skills
During their time in kindergarten, children make remarkable progress with reading, writing, and speaking. To help future kindergarteners get ready, parents should spend time reading to their kids every day. Sing children’s songs and nursery rhymes to help kids learn the rhythm of language. Teach your child to sing the alphabet song with you, and to recognize the letters of his or her first name. You can also help your child learn the “rules” of reading, such as that English is read from left to right, and that books are read from front to back.
Math Skills
In kindergarten, children are taught how to count to 100, add and subtract within five, and sort and categorize objects. You can help your child get ready by teaching him or her how to count to 20. Help your child understand that smaller numbers lead up to bigger numbers. Make math seem less abstract and more concrete by counting similar objects.
Self-Care Skills
Academic skills aren’t the only ones your child will need in kindergarten. Kindergarteners are also expected to know how to use the restroom independently, without needing to be reminded to wash up afterward. An ABA therapist can help your child master the following skills:
- Put on and take off outerwear
- Sit patiently for a story for five to 10 minutes
- Share with other children
- Take turns
- Follow two-step directions
The Behavior Exchange Early Start Program (B.E.E.S.) can help your preschool-aged child get ready for kindergarten. Our ABA school near Plano and Frisco, Texas covers crucial academic, language, social, and motor skills so your child can get ready to achieve! You can get in touch today at (888) 716-8084.